

Find the right Tempo for you.


Compare the Studio and the Move and find your fit.

We’ve just launched the compact Tempo Move, making it easier than ever to find the right Tempo for you and your space. So what will it be? The full personal training package? Or the trainer designed to fit anywhere?

The all-in-one personal training solution.
Starting at $2,495 or $58/mo*

•Space Needed: 6' W x 8' D
•Weight Plates Included: 95 lbs.
•Equipment: Dumbbells, Barbell, Kettlebell, Squat Rack, Bench
•42” Touchscreen

Mini. Mighty. Designed to fit anywhere.
Starting at $395 or $33/mo*

•Space Needed: 6' W x 6' D
•Weight Plates Included: 35 lbs.
•Equipment: Dumbbells, Barbell (coming soon), Kettlebell (coming soon)
•Requires a TV or HDMI Display & Supports Most New iPhone Models 


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