

Help Smiles Davis sleep better at night - 17 Feb - 23 Feb

Here is Smiles Davis’s weekly sleep dashboard summarizing his week in sleep. We have also included a sleep coaching tip that you might find interesting. Your Nanit may have detected the same patterns as last week and might be triggering the same tip.
Sleep Well!
The Team at Nanit.
Weekly dashboard for 17 Feb - 23 Feb
Your child's weekly average Average from sleep research studies Optimal range
3h 50m
Longest stretch asleep (hrs)
0:00 1:30 2:15 3:00 5:00
Sleep Onset (min)
0 15 21 27 43
9h 50m
Total nighttime sleep (hrs)
4:30 7:15 8:30 9:30 12:30
2h 50m
Total time awake at night (hrs)
Smiles Davis's weekly tip
Ensure Smiles Davis's sleeping environment is optimal.
Looks like Smiles Davis wasn't sleeping his best this week, his sleep efficiency was a little low. Whether he's teething, learning a new skill, or is just not himself, optimizing his sleep environment can help him have more restful nights. There are a few things you can do to ensure his environment is conducive to the best possible sleep.
You might try this:

Make sure the temperature of the room is somewhere around 69-73° F / 19-23° C.

Make the room as dark as possible. Almost pitch black is ideal. This way Smiles Davis can focus on sleep, not on interesting objects in the room.

Use a white noise machine. Babies find white noise soothing, plus it will block out external noise that may disturb his sleep.

The time Smiles Davis was asleep compared to the total time he spent in bed this week (sleep efficiency): 17 Feb - 23 Feb
Sleep coaching tips are based on what the smart algorithms behind Nanit see. Your Nanit tracks and understands sleep patterns, parent visits, and much more so you can make sense of your baby's days and nights.
Nanit is backed by scientific research and professional literature. Nanit's sleep recommendations rely on a number of sources, as well as the guidance of our board of sleep specialists, sleep scientists and pediatricians.
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