

108 — This week on Cargo

The emergence of a new form is to be treated with delight and we think reverence. This is because our minds aggressively suppress novelty in favor of pattern. If you actually have the opportunity to come face to face with “the species of the non-species” however brief it may be, you should realize you’ve seen half the truth of this world (!?). The sculpture of John Zane Zappas is full of this unclassifiable, procreative tension — it spurs the most basic and routinely ignored questions: What is happening? What is that? Does it mean something? Merci 🖖.

It's time again for Printed Matter’s New York Art Book Fair. If you’re going, be sure to check out their site — here you will find exhibitor info, an interactive map, hours of operation and other pertinent information. (Oh, and the whole thing was designed by Cargo 😉)

We’ve recently added a “Scrub” transition to image slideshows, which you can use to pan through a series of still images like this:

“Here there is a sort of question, call it historical, of which we are only glimpsing today the conception, the formation, the gestation, the labor. I employ these words, I admit, with a glance toward the business of childbearing-but also with a glance toward those who, in a company from which I do not exclude myself, turn their eyes away in the face of the as yet unnameable which is proclaiming itself and which can do so, as is necessary whenever a birth is in the offing, only under the species of the non-species, in the formless, mute, infant, and terrifying form of monstrosity.” 

Jacques Derrida, from Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences, 1966