

A few simple answers for a complex time

We understand that the current social climate and recent changes to the stock market may have you thinking about your investments — how to manage them during this disruptive time, and what you can expect out of brokerage firms like Bumped.

Here are a few commonly-asked questions, and some info on how we at Bumped hope to navigate the noise over the coming months.

What do I need to know about current market volatility?

Throughout history, the market has seen everything from fluctuations to large drops. The lesson to take from these changes over time is: with patience and a steady hand on the wheel, your persistence could be rewarded down the road.

What should I do right now?

Continue to support the brands, businesses, and institutions you care about. Where you spend matters, and by spending with the companies you care most about, you can help co-create the economy you want to participate in.

To help answer these (and many other) common questions in detail, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to understanding stock rewards and market volatility. Check it out:

As a Bumped user, what can I expect over the coming months?

It’s business as usual for your Bumped account. Look out for regular account management messages, monthly ownership summaries, and milestone celebrations. You may also receive automated messages related to your investments; check out our support articles on proxy voting or annual meetings to learn more.

We're here for you

We know that these economic shifts can leave quite an impact. We’re constantly aiming to inform, educate, and support owners like you, so if you have a minute to share your thoughts, concerns, questions, or any other feedback that feels important right now, we're all ears.