

An Attitude of Gratitude


How we are preparing for summer, feeling more grateful

As summer gets into gear, we’re slowing down, taking stock, and showing thanks for the service and sacrifice made by veterans, frontline workers and everyone dedicating their lives to serving others. Here are two stories that we're proud to share with you!

A sweet thank you
FOR your service

“Two years ago, we moved from Montana to Texas for a new Air Force assignment. The commissary carried my all-time favorite gelato. To be specific, the Toasted Coconut Fudge. It was amazing, a part of home here in Texas. However, the commissary soon stopped carrying this amazing guilt-free treat.

Bre reached out to Tillamook, and explained how much we loved the gelato. She wasn’t looking for a free handout, she actually wrote and asked how we could purchase a case.

The outstanding employees of Tillamook sent us a couple pints of guilt-free pleasure—on the house! Here’s to Tillamook, and the individual that helped, you’ve truly made a lifetime customer, and spokesperson.”

- SSgt James Mahood

From scooping 
ice cream to sewing
face masks

Tillamook recently partnered with the Tillamook County Face Mask Project to create face masks for our hometown community of Tillamook County, Oregon— including schools and farmers markets. Our team set up socially distanced sewing stations in the dining hall of our temporarily closed Tillamook Creamery visitors center. To date, our Creamery team has delivered 1,395 face masks to our community.

Grill and Chill with
your family

We also wanted to share a few of our favorite recipes and activities to help you and your family stay connected in times of change.

Connect with friends &
Family over our classic

There’s no party like
an ice cream
sandwich party

A Coloring Page
That’s Definitely Not

Running Low on 
Your Favorite Tillamook