Brain Dead


Brain Dead: Clothing For a Curious Life


Inspired by the natural world, sprawling subcultures, and the occasional obscure horror film, Brain Dead is exactly the opposite of what its title suggests.

Brain Dead: Clothing For a Curious Life

Inspired by the natural world, sprawling subcultures, and the occasional obscure horror film, Brain Dead is exactly the opposite of what its title suggests. Alive, smart, and keeping their cult fan base guessing. 

In 2014 Kyle Ng and Ed Davis founded Brain Dead in sunny LA. Quickly, they grew to include a global team of talented artists and designers that captivated the attention of fans worldwide. 

A stakeholder in the underground scene, Brain Dead has collaborated with names like Magic The Gathering, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Marvel, and NTS Radio; brands including Reebok,Converse, A.P.C., the North Face, Asics, Dickies, Kiko Kostadinov, and Slam Jam. This book chronicles the formation and development of the brand as it has evolved to work with an exciting roster of artists, musicians, filmmakers, and designers. 

Brilliantly designed with an edge of classic underground zine culture, this volume is teeming with all of Brain Dead’s magical creations. An essential read for anyone looking for a window into a more inspired world. 

The book comes in two different cover colors: the blue and pink exclusive cover will be available only on and in Brain Dead official stores, the yellow and green cover instead, will be available in select Brain Dead stockists and at

The Brain Dead x Rizzoli exclusive blue cover will be available on October 4th at 10am PDT / 7pm CET / 2am JST.