

Can we help?

Anything we help with?

We can't wait to get you on board with the new-and-improved Bumped, so you can start earning stock rewards when you spend online or in store with hundreds of your favorite brands.

Apply for Bumped

How to apply

Download the app

First things first: if you haven’t already, download the Bumped app for iOS or Android.

Log in

If you’ve already set up an account, log in.

If it’s your first time in the app, sign up from scratch using hello@SmilesDavis.yeah, the email you used for the waitlist.

Or, if you're having trouble with sign up, try using the login screen and following the reset password prompt.

Complete your application

Fill out your brokerage account application in the app. Then, sit tight while we review it.

If you're approved, you'll be on your way to earning stock rewards when you spend with the brands you love.

Apply for Bumped

If you're having trouble signing up, reach out to our team at support@bumped.comfor help. Or, if you'd rather self-serve, check out our support center.

–The Bumped Team

Made with 💙 for hello@SmilesDavis.yeah

©2020 Bumped
PO Box 8206
Portland, OR 97207

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The Bumped app and website are operated by Bumped, Inc. Brokerage services are provided by Bumped Financial LLC, member FINRA/ SIPC. More about Bumped Financial on FINRA's BrokerCheck website. Brand trademarks belong to their owners. Mention of any specific stock or holdings is for illustrative purposes only and aren't investment recommendations. Investing in securities involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value.

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