Designed Space


Compendium #01—Welcome to the new Designed Space


Designed Space is much more than a blog. It's a means to give back to the design community.

Designed Space is much more than a blog. It's a means to give back to the design community.

Originally launched in 2012, Designed Space fell victim to complacency. It wasn't a lack of vision or effort that faltered the site; nor was it a lack of content. Consider it more a lack of understanding. But that story is neither here nor there. What I can tell you with great pleasure is that Designed Space has officially relaunched—and it's much more than a typical design blog.

With my excitement for the relaunch, I want to share a brief roadmap of where Designed Space is heading. I'll be transparent and keep it short.

We will be continuing our focus on content; delivering at least two quality posts to explore every month. Interviews, studio spaces, and portfolio thoughts will be a mainstay; while the Compendium 

will be released quarterly. To continue our mission of being a quality resource, we have additional features and projects in the pipeline that we are inching towards. However, these will all be launched in due time. 

Taking advice from my conversation with Order, I'm letting my enthusiasm trump any doubts, while keeping a steady pace. I'm excited to grow Designed Space but not getting ahead of myself.

I truly hope you enjoy the content and can find some inspiration in knowledge shared on Designed Space. My sincere thank you to all who participate, share and subscribe. You have my wishes for a healthy 2018.

Brooklyn, New York 

Order/Standards Manual

Peaceful walks, quick decisions, and finding designer’s gold in a basement. Hamish Smyth and Jesse Reed walk us through the creation of their design studio, Order and publishing imprint, Standards Manual.

Explore the space

Barcelona, Spain 

Folch Studio

Dilapidated factories and warehouses spark a fire for a Barcelona district creative rebirth. Folch Studio was in the thick of it before it was cool.

Explore the space

London, England 

Rosie Lee

A chair made of skateboards, designing for retail, and an interconnection with tea. Mark Fleming takes us through Rosie Lee’s London studio.

Explore the space

Glasgow, Scotland 


Street art inspiration, mural installations and moving into a community of creatives. De:strukt welcomes us to Glasgow's The Hidden Lane.

Explore the space

Prague, Czech Republic 


Two high school students create a multinational digital agency and bring a taste of Silicon Valley to Prague.

Explore the space