

Confirmed: Hipcamp booking #6500500 at White Oaks Campground Site #2

Get the app before your trip!

Your camping trip to White Oaks Campground Site #2 is confirmed.

This property does not have a street address. The Host has provided coordinates you can navigate to along with written directions.

📱 Download the Hipcamp app to save trip details for offline use and review the Host's written directions. Google Maps and Apple Maps are not always accurate in rural and forested areas.

You booked a trip for 5. Send the itinerary to guests and you'll receive $10 in Hipcash for each person who signs up and books their own stay.

Download the Hipcamp app to save trip information and maps offline.

Hipcamp is made with love by a distributed team of outdoor enthusiasts across
Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Our outpost is located at 965 Mission Street, Ste 480, San Francisco, CA 94103

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