

Cordial Blog Post: Upcoming iOS Privacy Updates

New Cordial Blog Post: What the upcoming changes to Apple iOS mean to you

By now, you’ve likely heard that there are a new round of changes coming to email marketing, specifically impacting email open rates. Cordial's Chief Revenue Officer, Rachel Bergman, has prepared a comprehensive look at the Apple iOS 15 changes including where we are now, what we know, and how Cordial can help you prepare for and manage the pending shifts.

To summarize:

  • Apple announced a list of changes to Apple Mail – this means any mail that is read on an Apple device using their native mail app.
  • The changes are meant to improve consumer privacy.
  • We expect these changes to go into effect when iOS 15 is shipped in September. Currently a few companies are acting as beta testers, and one is our close partner, SparkPost.
  • While these changes can seem daunting to marketers, the most important metrics that we track will remain unchanged.
  • There are still unknowns related to these changes – know that we are your partner and will help you through whatever is to come.
Learn more
Visit the Cordial Blog for answers to questions marketers might consider with these changes.