

Countdown to Synapse: last week to save on tickets


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Agenda sessions we're looking forward to...
Who: Patti Chan, VP, Product @ Imperfect Produce
Session Topic: Driving innovative product development with a culture of experimentation
What you'll learn: High-growth companies with limited resources know that staying agile is key to competing against more established brands. Patti Chan, VP of Product at Imperfect Produce, will share how her team has developed a culture of hyper-experimentation. Patti will discuss the hurdles of implementing agile methodologies, the tools her team uses to build products efficiently, and the key to driving product innovation.
Synapse Speakers
Swami Sivasubramanian
VP, AI & Machine Learning
Harini Karthik
Director of Data Science
Rebecca Kline
GM, Growth Marketing
Whitney Steele
Dir., Growth Marketing
George Jeng
Head of Interal Product
Charity Majors
Co-founder & Engineer
Rashied Amini
Fatemeh Khatibloo
VP, Principal Analyst
Douglas Cirillo
AVP, Director of SEO
Adam Husein
Exec. Dir., Data Science
Diana Tobey
Principal Designer