Good Dog


Do you love dogs too?

Hi there,

My name is Shannon and I’m a writer on the team here at Good Dog.

I live, dogless, in New York City. Like many in the age of COVID-19, I fled the city in favor of my parent’s house in Denver, where the puppy I begged for when I was 17 also resides. Her name is Remi. She’s a 10 year old Basenji and a perfect, albeit very mischievous, angel.

After spending a few weeks with her, I’m realizing I can’t even imagine my life without a dog anymore, so I want to get one of my own.

I’m guessing that since you signed up for emails from a company called Good Dog, you’re starting the search for your next dog, too. So we’re probably asking ourselves a lot of the same questions right now:

How do I find a breeder? What should I look for in a breeder? How can I be sure my puppy comes home healthy?

That’s where Good Dog comes in. Using a screening process developed by leading veterinary and animal welfare experts, we do the work of vetting breeders for you. So you never have to wonder if you’re working with someone reputable.

Here’s a little more about who we are.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be emailing you with more information about everything Good Dog can help you do, the importance of responsible breeding, how to find the right breeder, and much more.

In the meantime, here’s a puppy for your inbox: