

Everything you've ever wanted to know about brand loyalty  🙌


A new definitive guide from Barrel

We just published the ultimate guide to cultivating and retaining a loyal brand following. It's jam-packed with real-world examples and actionable steps you can take to start building brand loyalty (and reaping the benefits!).

Read on for a little preview. 

Loyalty will look different for every brand

Increasing customer loyalty (and, in turn, customer lifetime value) is how your business grows. But customer loyalty isn’t one-size-fits-all. Factors like the industry you're in, what you sell, and your business model can all affect what loyalty looks like for your brand. We'll tell you how to identify your least and most loyal customers.

It's all about the VIPs

Your VIPs are your brand champions: they not only keep returning again and again, but hopefully bring some friends along with them. When it comes to VIPs, personalization, community, and a robust rewards program are key to retention. We'll show you how to define your VIP tier and share some examples of innovative VIP rewards. 

No two loyalty apps are the same

There are a lot of great apps out there that can help you build and manage a rewards program, but they all have different pros and cons. We compare four of the most popular loyalty apps to help you find the one that's right for your business.

You're gonna want to bookmark this

Whether you're a founder, brand manager, marketer, or just a curious person, you'll find something useful here. We recommend bookmarking this guide for safe-keeping.