Life Elements


Fix Sun Damage, Aging, and Acne all in one



One Collection, So Many Ways

We don't mind getting older—on the contrary, we appreciate the accumulation of wisdom and the decrease of questionable decision-making (😂). However, we do mind premature aging and adult acne. Fortunately, we have a solution that addresses both: The Face Collection. Here's a brief intro: 

  • 100% Original: You won't find these formulas anywhere on the market. So, if you're frustrated with, "Ugh, I've tried everything," we hear you. Trust us, these products are different. 
  • Eco-Friendly: With waterless formulas and vegan ingredients, this Collection is sustainable-to-boot and we are darn proud. 
  • Potent and Powerful: At the core of Life Elements is the desire to help people. We don't sell or make anything that we don't believe will solve your pain point. We truly stand behind every single product in this Collection. 

"I love the smell and feel of this product. After using this for a couple of months, I can say it really works! My hyperpigmentation from old period pimples is almost gone...and so are those period pimples!

I have combination skin and tend to get hormonal acne, but this product is like magic and I haven’t had any hormonal breakouts (or any breakouts) since I began using this. The bottle lasts a long time and is so worth the money!"



Chronic pain, athlete recovery, stress relief, and more. We broke down the most popular uses for our Bath Bombs, based on your reviews.