Life Elements


Germ Defense Now Available on Web


👋 Washing the hands, spraying 'em down 👋

Made per Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines

  • Use in lieu of washing hands: Washing your hands for at least 30 seconds remains the best way to fight germs and remove bacteria. In lieu of hand-washing, use this spray to prevent the spread of germs. 
  • Made with Martha's magic: Martha's formulation includes tea tree, vitamin E, hemp seed oil, and essential oils.
  • 4oz bottles left: Our 2oz bottles sold out, however, we still have some 4oz bottles at $8 each. No price gouging, no nonsense. 

"This company does amazing things. Thank you for such rapid action and progress being made with making this germ defense. We need more companies with heart like y’all! Always recommend all my friends life elements and they always come back and tell me how much they love this companies products. Made with integrity and incredible ingredients. Thank you for all you do💖"
