

Happy Halloween 🎃


Happy Halloween! What's hiding in your app these days? 👀 Here's an update on the latest from our team, including improvements for Android NDK and JavaScript projects, and a look at how HotelTonight uses the stability score.

Updated Android NDK support

We've released a new major version of Bugsnag's Android NDK error reporting library. It includes better debugging information for errors originating in native C and C++ code. 

Improved JavaScript stacktraces

We've improved stack traces for JavaScript projects bundled with webpack, including a better default view for stack frames. If you're using a build tool integration to report builds to Bugsnag, you can also include a deep link to your source code. 

Application stability at HotelTonight

Application stability is an essential metric for product teams, but how are real life engineering teams actually putting it into practice? Learn from HotelTonight. 

Getting started with monitoring for developers

As the ways in which we build and deploy software have evolved, responsibility for monitoring has expanded to engineering teams. Learn about the essential monitoring tools for developers.  

Source maps help you debug JavaScript errors by mapping minified code to your original source. Take a deep dive into the inner complexities of source maps and learn how they work. 

Strategies for improving your debugging workflow

Learn some best practices to help you improve your strategy and processes for dealing with application errors. 

We'll be at QCon and Droidcon in San Francisco, and VueConf in Toronto this November. Be sure to come by the Bugsnag table to say hello to our team! 

We're hiring for roles in engineering and marketing in San Francisco, CA. Check out our jobs page to learn more about our company and open roles, and of course, follow us on Twitter to keep up with our team.

— The Bugsnag Team