
Here's how often you should check your budget


*Spoiler alert* you’re not getting off easy on this one

What You'll Learn Today:

How Often You Should Check Your Budget

Check your budget every day. Yup. Every. Single. Day.

Consider adding a budget check to another habit that’s a part of your daily routine. Here are a few ideas:

Check your budget while you sip your morning coffee (that's what I do!)

Make it visible: put the YNAB app on the first screen of your mobile device

Check your budget when you sit down on the couch at the end of your day.

Write "YNAB" on your wallet or credit card as a reminder to check your budget before spending (we've heard of more than a few folks do this one!)

Whatever you choose, make it your own, and check it often. This will help you succeed in taking total control of your money.

They say it takes 30 days to build a habit. Find a budget check that works for you and keep up the good work!

Happy budgeting,

Teacher at YNAB