The Nue Co.


How focused are you right now?


Our cognitive supplement heightens mental clarity and sharpens focus to help you accomplish the task ahead.

Out of focus?

Having occasional trouble concentrating is a normal, albeit irritating occurrence for most of us. We have a lot on our plates, and a lot of distraction to contend with, but when your concentration is at it's highest, you work easier, faster, and better. Everything just feels so...seamless.


 is designed to bring that feeling into your everyday. Our cognitive supplement stimulates the production of alpha brainwaves (associated with creativity and focus) while reducing the effects of stress in brain cells, allowing for improved mental performance so that you can zone in on the task in front of you.

If you’ve managed to get this far without your mind wandering mid-read, read more on 


 and how it can help you operate at your peak potential.

Using ingredients clinically proven to increase neurotransmitter activity, Nootro-Focus aids your focus and attention.

Tailored ingredients have been clinically proven improve memory + delayed recall within a six week period.

Focused adaptogenic extracts reduce the cortisol response and anxiety. L-Theanine is clinically proven to increase alpha brain waves, delivering a calm focused state.