

How to Decrease Your Environmental Footprint at Home...


...Here are five plastic swaps you can make right now!

Decreasing Your Environmental Footprint at Home

Our environmental footprint reached a tipping point in the 1960s when Swedish company, Celloplast, acquired a U.S. patent for the "T-shirt plastic bag" – what we now call the grocery bag. Since then, our use of plastic has extended beyond a simple bag to containers, toys, and household items. .

Plastic is hurting the environment, killing wildlife, and drastically increasing our environmental footprint. So the question is, to heal Earth, can we live without plastic? Can we reverse the impact of the last several hundred years and improve our environmental footprint for the future?

The answer is yes, we absolutely can improve the health of our planet. And replacing our plastics with sustainable, earth-friendly items is one of the easiest places to start.

Here are five plastic swaps you can make right now to decrease your environmental footprint.