

Inspire change through user research 🤝

As an industry focused on customer empathy, user research should be leading the way in making technology more inclusive. By now, most of us are aware the tech industry suffers from a startling lack of diversity. From stories of facial recognition algorithms unable to recognize people of color to a stunning discovery about a machine learning algorithm that falsely judged Black prisoners as twice as likely to reoffend; it’s clear a lack of diversity and inclusivity in hiring, research, and development results in low-quality products with the potential to unleash disastrous consequences for already marginalized communities.

Read our accessible guide to improving your user research practice by making it more inclusive. It’s not only about being a good human (though this is important). According to multiple reports, it’s a sound business decision—with billions, if not trillions on offer for organizations who focus on building products and experiences that consider the diversity of the world and center on inclusion.