

Introducing the new Allset app

Meet the new Allset look & experience
We’ve built our new app and website around convenience, speed, and a healthy lifestyle.
Trust us, it’s an entirely new way to experience Allset and we want you to try it.
you'll love
New map layout
See the best food spots around you and access them more quickly.
Enhanced filtering
Filters and dietary tags (vegan, gluten-free, etc) make it easy to find the food that’s right for you.
Once confirmed, track the order so you know when it’s ready for pickup or dine-in.
Reorder favorites fast
Quickly reorder a meal from your order history or recent searches, in just one tap.
Improved menus & item descriptions
Easier access to all our deals
Free for you & low fees for partners
We�re just getting started.
Keep an eye for more updates soon.
Now, let’s dive in.
You may need to log in after downloading the new app.
Customers with multiple Allset accounts need to log in to the last created one. Older accounts were disabled. If assistance is needed, please reach out to support.