

Issue 04: Email automation and your business

Here's what a previous-client outreach automation sequence could look like:

1. When you finish a project for a client, add their email address in MailChimp to a group, e.g.‘Leads : Follow up.’

2. Create an automation sequence that starts when List Activity: Joins List Group and select the group with the follow up group name.

3. Create an email in plain-text (since it’s better if it looks like an email from you) and in your own voice that checks in with a previous client - it can be short and sweet too. For example:

“Hey *|FNAME|*, hope all is well. Just wanted to check in to see if there was anything else I could help your business with?”

4. Set that email to go out 4–8 weeks after you’ve finished the project.

5. Create (by replicating) several more emails that go out every 3–4 months (or whatever makes sense for your business and the type of work you do). Change the wording up slightly from email to email, but keep the gist the same: short, to the point, and asking if there’s anything else you can do for them.

6. Bonus: in the required footer of these emails, you can allow subscribers to opt out of an automation sequence without opting fully off your list by using this merge tag:

So your footer could have a link to unsubscribe (since it’s the law) plus a link to “stop receiving follow-ups like this” that links to:

That way previous-clients can stay on your list (if you send them regular campaigns too) but not be sent these check-in emails anymore.