

Issue 06: From good to great: how to be an elite email marketer

Rockhouse lives in a fiercely competitive world—one where there’s no hiding from a failed marketing effort. If a client’s event fails to sell out, revenue is left on the table. 

Email marketing is Rockhouse’s marketing weapon of choice, but being properly armed is only half the battle. To be effective with email, one must know how to use it. According to Severs, it starts with mastering 3 basic categories: segmentation, personalization, and automation. Typically, new Rockhouse clients are in need of help with all 3.

“They’re often sending very similar types of campaigns to their entire list on a regular basis,” Severs says. “You want to be able to craft content that’s relevant to your recipients. Smart segmentation lets you do that.”

Personalization is equally important to reaching prospects in a powerful and relevant way. One way this is accomplished with MailChimp is merge tags.

“Personalizing emails not just by names, but according to their past purchasing behaviors, for example, gets you a much higher engagement rate," Severs says. 

And putting some fairly simple automation practices in place can tip the scales dramatically in your favor. “Just sending an automated welcome email to new subscribers can lead to significantly large revenue increases,” she says.