Sea of Thieves


Join Tricksters and Treaters on the Sea of Thieves 🎁🎃


There's a new Event to enjoy this weekend as October draws to a close: Tricksters and Treaters! Choose the side that tickles your seasonal instincts and tackle in-ï»żgame tasks to support their efforts. Achieve enough to help that side reach a total Community Goal and there's a themed cosmetic in it for you, and maybe a Title too if you backed them from the beginning!

To contribute to the Treaters' Community Goal: bury treasure, place treasure maps on the Quest Board or discover items buried by other players.

To contribute to the Tricksters' Community Goal: bury Gunpowder Barrels, steal Map Bundles from other crews or hit ships with purple Cursed Cannonballs.

Whether you're sailing solo, on board with a merry crew or streaming for a mischievous audience, take part in the Tricksters and Treaters in-ï»żgame Event between Oct‍ober 28‍th and Nov‍ember 1‍st (10‍am UT‍C)!


If you're short on time to sail the seas, you can still get involved in games of spooky chance: all you need is Twitter to see if the spirit of the mischievous Jack O' Looter will deem you worthy of a golden treat or a gold-ï»żstealing trick!

Check out our Trick or Treat page for info on how to sign up to Social Swag and try your luck...


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1 Mi‍crosoft W‍ay, Re‍dmond, Was‍hin‍gton 98‍0‍52, U‍S
