Common Sense


Keep kids entertained, learning at home, and calm.

Resources to Deal with School Closures and More
As we all scrambled last week to comprehend the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly compiled and shared a list of resources that families and educators could rely on. With the help of a few extra days, our team of editors packaged the most relevant tips, tools, articles, and more for both families and educators.
For 15 years parents and educators have turned to Common Sense to get media and tech recommendations for kids. Although we'd never anticipated a time like this, we're committed to providing you the best ratings, reviews, and advice so you can keep your kids safely entertained and learning at home.
If you're a parent or caregiver, visit our new Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic hub. You'll find articles, lists, and more on:
  • Learning at home and homework help
  • Helping kids understand COVID-19 news coverage
  • What to watch, read, and play
  • How to stay calm for you and your kids
  • Spanish language resources for Latinx families
If you're an educator, check out our new Resources for Educators During the Coronavirus Pandemic hub to help you deal with everything from a virtual classroom to student anxiety. You'll find:
  • Tools and advice for virtual learning
  • Resources for digital citizenship and well-being
  • Parent support for learning at home
Our editors will be updating these hubs regularly to give you the most timely advice. And, since we know that not all students have access to tech at home, our advocacy team is working with policymakers and industry leaders to connect all students, wherever they're learning. Stay tuned for more on that.
Stay safe and take care,
Jim Steyer
P.S.: We'll be sharing new media recommendations every day on our Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to connect with us to get the top picks.