

Last call for holiday shopping!


Order now to have these by the holidays

This season has flown by—did you get your Moonshot order in?

Our elves are busy packing up our delicious crackers to get them to you on time for gifting. We’ve got three fresh flavors to choose from:

Sourdough Sea Salt: 

Pair these tangy sourdough crisps with a sharp cheese + apple slice and sip with some bubbly cider for a sophisticated snack!

Tomato Basil: 

Our customers refer to these as pizza crackers and we don’t disagree! Eat these delicious pizza crackers plain or throw some mozzarella and a tomato slice on them for a mini pizza snack delight!

Rosemary Garlic: 

A holiday favorite, our Rosemary Garlic crackers are the perfect addition to any holiday charcuterie board. We suggest pairing these delightful crackers with a soft cheese (plant-based or a grass fed goat!) and a glass of red wine for the ultimate festive treat.

Today is your last day to order if you want Moonshot crackers in time for the holidays—seize the day!