

New Pickup Map

Find your next favorite with the
NEW Pickup Map
We made Pickup even easier, just in time for warm summer days. Get outside and discover what’s new and what’s nearby.
What’s new
Updated Icons
It’s easier than ever to discover local coffee shops, grocery stores, and restaurants with updated icons.
Easy Filter & Search
Whether you’re looking for a certain price range, cuisine, or store, our new filters and search get you what you need quickly.
Quick & Affordable
Enjoy $0 fees using Pickup, and get time estimates on when your order is ready and how long it’ll take to get there. Plus, save even more with the 5% credit back benefit with DashPass!

*Available to DashPass subscribers as indicated in each user’s DoorDash and/or Caviar account. Credits only earned on Pickup orders with participating DashPass merchants. Credits cannot be earned on Group orders, but credits may be redeemed on and applied to Group orders. Credits will not be earned if other promotions, offers or discounts are applied to the order. Credits earned on DoorDash redeemable only on DoorDash; credits earned on Caviar redeemable only on Caviar. The 5% credit amount will be calculated based on the order subtotal up to a maximum of $100 per Pickup order and then will be awarded to the user’s account and will be automatically applied to the user’s next order, whether delivery or pickup. All orders subject to availability. Must have or create a valid DoorDash or Caviar account on the latest available version of the application with a valid form of accepted payment on file. No cash value. Non-transferable. See full terms and conditions