Misfit Foods


Oh My Gourd

Squash Those Fears

Squash those fears this halloween with an easy way to use up that butternut squash. Sub in your leftover roasted squash from dinner last night to save on food waste.

The Kitchen Sink

Fun things to click on from team Misfit

On Sunday Dave was reading this interview with one of his first fav musicians, the beastie boys, in the NYTimes.

Feeling a Little Misfit

Who’s never felt a little misfit or out of place? Our co-founder Phil shares a moment.

I walked into the theater to watch My Neighbor Totoro (I’d only seen Spirited Away by the same director), and immediately realized that almost every other person there was either under ten or a parent. I felt a little too young and a lot too old. But the movie was awesome, and I think everyone there - young, old, and somewhere in between - would agree.