

Our best resources for remote design teams in challenging times


How to foster creativity, focus, and collaboration.

Like all of you, we’ve been closely monitoring the evolving Coronavirus pandemic as we hunker down and “socially distance” in hopes of flattening the curve. However, in many ways, we’re operating business as usual: We’ve always been a distributed company and every one of our 700 employees works from home.

We are not the norm here, though. Many of you may be dealing with a sudden transition to working in a completely different manner—on top of acutely feeling the emotional and practical effects of this crisis within our community. While so many things are out of our control at the moment, the one thing we can do here at InVision is offer resources to aid this transition and keep the design community working productively throughout this unprecedented event. We’ve tailored our digest this week to be a resource to foster creativity, focus, and collaboration during this uncertain time, and will continue to focus on helping our community work creatively and seamlessly throughout the pandemic.

Clark Valberg
CEO at InVision