

Parcel's newest Transformer

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Accessibility fixes made easy

You can now automate improvements for common accessibility issues with a Transformer.

Apply auto-improvements with the newest Parcel Transformer

The latest on accessibility

In the recently released second Accessibility Report from the Email Markup Consortium, many senders produce inaccessible emails.


Failed for accessibility

Creating emails for all

Now with Parcel's Accessibility Transformer, you can apply improvements to your source code that will solve for the top issues flagged in EMC's latest report.

  • Add lang attribute to <html/> tag
  • Add dir attribute to <html/> tag
  • Add lang attribute to all top-level elements in the <body/> tag
  • Add <role=presentation> attribute to all <table/> tags
  • Add alt attribute to all VML images
  • Add alt attribute to all images without an alt attribute.
  • Adds the subject into the <title/> tag to <head/> tag
  • Remove <role=button> attribute from links
  • Remove the meta tag that disables zooming on mobile devices

Join the top 1%

These auto-improvements are not meant to be a complete end-solution for creating accessible emails. In response to many emails failing accessibility checks, we believe offering these auto-improvements is a step in the right direction, but still encourage creators to learn and apply individual fixes whenever possible. Read more about this Accessibility Transformer.

Additionally, we advise that although your email may pass accessibility checks in Parcel, it is common for ESP's to alter, edit, or change code at the time of email send.

I get too much email, unsubscribe please
Or, update your email preferences... pause emails FTW!