

Product Reveals & Problem Solving at DISTRIBUTED 2021

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Join us on the path to reconnection at Distributed 2021

Discover new tools and solutions with leaders from Deloitte, Zendesk, and Columbia University

AMER: October 19 & 20, 8am–2pm PST

EMEA: October 19 & 20, 5pm–11pm CEST

Come and hear from thought leaders who have worked with a variety of teams across product, design, and other disciplines. Break down digital walls, generate ideas related to connection, and solve the problems we’re all facing with our teams and our work. It’s all happening at our virtual event, DISTRIBUTED 2021.

Keynote: Community & The Future

Keynote: Community & The Future

October 19, 8am PST / 5pm CEST

Keynote: Community & The Future

In the opening keynote, Miro CEO Andrey Khusid and CPO Varun Parmar will showcase a new set of tools, highlight the importance of the Miro community, and to discuss the future of Miro and the way we work.

DISTRIBUTED 2021 Day 1 sessions: Big product news, meeting rebrands, and personal growth strategies

How Leading Design and Product Teams are Reimagining Workflows that Win with Miro

October 19, 9:00am PST / 6:00pm CEST

How team leaders are reimagining workflows that win with Miro

How Zendesk, TrueDiversity, and BaseHQ connect product, design, and engineering organizations into a single workflow.

Do Meetings Need a Rebrand? With Jake Knapp, Sprint author

October 19, 10:00am PST / 7:00pm CEST

Do Meetings Need a Rebrand? With Jake Knapp, Sprint author

Jake Knapp, author of Sprint, shares his proven approach to running effective meetings.

How Deloitte Powers Innovation From the Inside Out

October 19, 10:30am PST / 7:30pm CEST

How Deloitte Powers Innovation From the Inside Out

Deloitte showcases how they support innovation and will help us build a roadmap to strengthen collaboration using a proven framework.

Finding a Creative Spark at Any Distance

October 19, 12:00pm PST / 9:00pm CEST

Finding a Creative Spark at Any Distance

Lance Weiler, Director of the Digital Storytelling Lab at Columbia University, explores team creativity at a distance. 

Uncovering Personal Growth Strategies for Remote and Hybrid Workers

October 19, 12:30pm PST / 9:30pm CEST

Uncovering Personal Growth Strategies for Remote and Hybrid Workers 

Questions, challenges, and solutions around career progression with Melissa S. Jackson, Global Program Manager for The New Yorker.

The New Era of (Re)gathering With Priya Parker

October 19, 1pm PST / 10pm CEST

The New Era of (Re)gathering
With Priya Parker

Priya Parker, author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters, answers important questions on rethinking connection.

Happy collaborating, 

The Miro Team