Trusted Health


Racism is a public health issue

As nationwide protests continue, multiple medical entities—the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, and American College of Physicians—have come forth to announce and emphasize that racism is a public health issue and are calling for police brutality to stop. The AMA stated, "physical or verbal violence between law enforcement officers and the public, particularly among Black and Brown communities where these incidents are more prevalent and pervasive, is a critical determinant of health and supports research into the public health consequences of these violent interactions." Additionally, multiple studies have found that experiences of racism and discrimination can actually increase the risk of both emotional and physical health problems, such as depression, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. Read more

Nurses pivot to another needed role —

Nurses from all over, whether school nurses sitting at home due to school closures, nurses furloughed because of a lack of elective procedures, and even former or retired nurses, are stepping in to serve as contact tracers. Tracers must be good listeners, have high levels of emotional intelligence, and have an interest in patient education. Sound like any nurses you know? Right now, tracers are in huge demand, and nurses seem like some of the best professionals to fill those roles. Read more

10 apps for the stressed nurse —

Reducing stress and preventing nurse burnout is essential to a healthy workforce that can continue to care for all patients while putting out COVID fires. In addition to COVID-19 pressure, current protests around the country are certainly inspiring another slew of emotions. In order to continue helping others, we need to help ourselves first (this includes being more aware of our own work environments, mental health, and emotional exhaustion). Read more for the top 10 apps that help nurses manage stress, as selected by nurses. Read more

Naming and understanding your values —

It's safe to say that the world around us feels unstable. From a pandemic to nationwide protests, the many voices and sources of information pull our hearts and minds in every direction. Now more than ever, it is important to take stock of your values and understand how they might serve you. Take a few minutes to reflect on what today's climate has stirred in you, and allow yourself to refocus your heart on what you value. Read more

Going the distance —

A little thoughtfulness goes a long way, as proven by this nurse, who coordinated a therapy horse visit to one lucky patient. Maggie Keller, the director of the Lothlorien Therapeutic Riding Center, makes visit around New York state to help ease and calm the nerves of patients. Call it an act of kindness, or simply one of immense thoughtfulness. Read more

Upcoming Events —

6/11, 3pm PDT: Nail Your Nursing Resume
Whether you just graduated nursing school, or you're on the hunt for your next great position, this event is for you! Our knowledgeable panel will lead you through an interactive session where you'll learn (1) How to craft a clean and compelling nursing resume, (2) What to include in your nursing narrative so that you can tell your unique story, and (3) Interview tips that will help you prep and interview with confidence. All nurses are welcome to this event! RSVP