

Ready to meditate?

Well done. By signing up, you’ve taken your first step towards a happier, healthier life. We’ll do everything we can to help and support you as you learn the life-changing skill of meditation.

For now, you have access to the Basics, our 10-day beginner's course, and a few special one-off meditations. We recommend doing the Basics before you jump into anything else. It'll teach you the essentials of meditation in just a few minutes a day.

If you’re a fan of the Basics, then it’s time to subscribe. Once you do, you’ll have bite-sized minis for when you’re short on time, more singles to add some extra mindfulness to your day, and guided meditation packs for everything from stress to sleep.

If you have any questions, please email us at help@headspace.com or visit our FAQs. You can also chat with a real live human during our operating hours. They can answer questions about your account or help you with your meditation practice.

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