For many of us, running has provided a much-needed escape in a time of great uncertainty. It’s a dose of routine in a chaotic week, a moment of mental silence amid the noise, a chance to move and to disconnect. The question we’ve been asking ourselves on our daily runs is: how can we use the power of our sport to support those in our community who are at the front lines of the fight against the novel coronavirus?
Together with a group of like-minded outdoor industry brands, we invite you to join us in running your Perfect Mile, a global virtual run to raise money for those helping to fight COVID-19. Inspired by the legacy of Sir Roger Bannister, who ran his Perfect Mile in May after a day’s work in the hospital where he was a trainee doctor, we’re encouraging runners everywhere to run a solo mile in whatever way it is safe to do so: in your neighborhood, in your local park or even in your yard.