

Smiles Davis, Meet Olivia


Meet your human


Welcome to Filmsupply

Having a direct human contact that understands the film industry can take your project to the next level. Olivia is that person for you. She's happy to help with any of your project needs.

When the stakes are high, Olivia is here for you.

Big Game Ads

Olivia has sourced footage for some premium ad spots...specifically ones that sound like "Super Coal."

Feature Films

If you've been to a blockbuster film in the last two years, chances are you've seen footage sourced by Olivia.

Branded Ads

Olivia has also assisted leading brands such as Nike, Apple, Google & Samsung.


Our creative teams loves the content on Filmsupply, and Olivia has gone out of her way to quickly handle special license requests. Because of her help, we have been able to finish out projects with multiple shots on very rush turnaround times. 

Sara, Producer at The Richards Group

Reply to this email or call to connect with Olivia.

Made for you by Filmsupply. We appreciate you!

Filmsupply® 9555 Harmon Road, Fort Worth, TX 76177