

Tips for using your new inbox

Welcome to your inbox


Find emails fast
With the power of Google Search in your inbox, you can archive all your email and find it later in a flash. Your inbox stays tidy, and you never need to worry about what to keep.


Personalize Smiles Davis Mail
Customize inbox backgrounds, email signatures, and other options in Smiles Davis Mail settings. Review and adjust your privacy and security settings at My Account.


Organize your email
You can organize email with labels, which are like folders, but you can add more than one label to a message. You can also use filters to automatically sort and categorize messages as they come in.


Chat and meet from your inbox
Chat with contacts and start video meetings with up to 25 people in Google Hangouts.

Get training and tips
Find Gmail guides, tips, cheat sheets, help switching from Microsoft® Outlook®, and more at the G Suite Learning Center.

Happy emailing,
The Gmail Team

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