
Two huge wins for Jamie and Oscar


Plus more YNAB success stories

What You'll Learn Today:

Budgeting Can Change Your Life for the Better

YNAB wins come in all shapes and sizes—here are a few of our recent favorites:

“Money has always been hard for me. But I look at the $2500 I’ve paid off and I’m so freaking proud.” -Caroline

“This is the first Christmas I won’t go into debt to buy presents.” - Darcy

“YNAB is what enabled me to get out of debt and a bad credit rating. My money worries have all but vanished.” - Debbie

As you continue following the four rules and tracking your spending, you will start to feel the stress of your finances lift away. You’ll soon have your own YNAB wins (or maybe you have some already).

All these wins (both big and small) play a part in taking control of your finances. How will you celebrate your YNAB wins? In my opinion, ice cream is always a good option. :)

Happy budgeting,

Teacher at YNAB

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