

Update! What's going on with Pennies?


It’s been a long time since I last emailed you, now's the right time to say hello again and let you know what’s going on in the world of Pennies.

May 2019 Newsletter

It's been a long time.
What's going on in the world of Pennies?

It’s been a long time since I last emailed you, and it feels about the right time to say hello again and let you know what’s going on in the world of Pennies.

So, why the silence? Well, I have been super busy working on a new app which I think you’ll love (more on that next week…), and it’s been taking up a lot more time than I expected. Despite the lack of updates for a few months I haven’t forgotten about Pennies at all though, in fact quite the opposite.

In the coming weeks I am cranking up the dial with Pennies development, and I’ve got a whole load of fixes and new features to get built and into your hands. So, what’s in store? 

Bug Hunt

There are few issues that have been cropping up recently that are urgent for me to address, and they are top of my priority. 

If you have experienced any issues that have stopped you using Pennies, or are affecting your time with the app now, then please get in touch with me and I will make sure to help you as best I can.

It’s really important to me to maintain Pennies and keep it running smoothly for you, so thanks for being patient and rest assured the fixes are on their way!

New Features

I’ve been listening to users feedback over the past few months, and they’ve been sending me tons of great ideas. Some are too big for Pennies and the simple experience it’s designed for, but others are a perfect fit. Here’s what’s in store:


New Watch App

A brand new Watch app designed from the ground up. The perfect fit for your Series 4 Watch with new Complications for the watch face, and using the Digital Crown to make entering expenses even easier.


Siri Shortcuts

Integration with the new iOS Shortcuts app, making it even quicker and easier for you to add in regular expenses to Pennies.


All transactions in one place

A screen combining all the expenses from all your budgets in one place. This is one of the most requested features, and I can’t wait to get it built for you.


Touch/Face ID

For some, having the security of locking your phone isn’t enough, so I’ll be adding Touch and Face ID to Pennies, giving you the option to add an extra layer of security around your budgets.


New languages

I’ll gradually be adding another 10 languages to Pennies - my plan is to support every major world language by the end of the year.


As you probably know there’s only one person (that’s me) working on Pennies, so these new features won’t happen over night. But I am working as hard as I can to complete them for you as quickly as my one pair of hands will let me design and code them!

Which leads me onto…

For changing my life

Most importantly, I want to say a humble and heartfelt thank you for purchasing Pennies.

Over the past five years what started as a small side-project has evolved into a full time job working solely on developing my apps. It hasn't made me financially rich - I still live pay check to pay check - but it has made my life richer in so many other ways.

I have been able to leave freelance work behind and move away from the city to live in the mountains, where I get to be in the outdoors every day (like I am in this picture), and where I met the girl of my dreams. I genuinely don’t think my life would be where it is now without Pennies.

So, thank you, for in the small gesture of choosing to pay for Pennies, you helped to create this change in my life. I hope the effort I continue to put into Pennies and my other apps helps in some way to make a positive difference to your life too.

As usual, if you have any questions or feedback please send them to me at and I’ll be sure to reply to you within 48 hours.


And if you’re still enjoying Pennies and it’s making your life easier and helping you save money, please consider supporting my work by opening the 'Settings' screen in the app and leaving me a tip in the Tip Jar.

Finally, it would also be great if you could leave a positive review in the App Store, or update an existing one by clicking here. I’d really appreciate it. As an indie developer it makes a big difference.

Thanks for reading. Until next time, adios!

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