

Vectorly №2 Newsletter: New Workspace and Getting Started


In this release we have some great news for you: New Workspace and Getting Started Page 💪

Skillboards, Members, Integrations in one place 

We added My Workspace that shows all information related to your team: Skillboards, Members, and Integrations. (Spoiler: In next releases, we'll add here Reviews and Goals) 

Set Up Vectorly in 10 minutes and get 1 month free 🎉

With some of you we had a chance to talk personally and help with onboarding, however most of you have troubles with setting up Vectorly. 

Getting Started is step by step process to try Vectorly (Spoiler: Next week you will be able to review team members before they sign up in Vectorly)

Bonus: Magic Copy-Paste Skills

If you have made a skill matrix in Excel, Google, or Notion it's painful to ask you Copy-Paste each skill, so we don't. Copy multiple skills and paste them with single paste 🔫

🔮 WHOA! You see Vectorly's future 

🚀 Vectorly Slack Bot 

(next release)

Make skill reviews, ask feedback on growth, get insights about your team and many more in Slack

🤓 Profile Page 

(thinking on it. Hard )

A place where you can understand how you grow and how you can improve

Even more effective skill growth with goals and development plans

Dozens of companies big and small started using Vectorly, thank you 🙏


We're full steam ahead on improving the product, and we need your help! If you have 30 minutes to give us an interview on how you manage your team learning and development, please tell us