

Welcome to Candor!

Can I be Frank?

People aren’t candid. I’ve been in so many meetings where the best ideas never make it to the table. I finally had enough and decided to use my background in behavioral science to do something about it.

As social animals, we are extremely sensitive to the views of others. I designed Candor to overcome group pressure during brainstorms, allowing our candid, unbiased views to see the light.

When used correctly, Candor can generate more diverse and creative ideas in less time than traditional brainstorming methods. I hope you find it does that and more.

Tell me what you think and thanks for using Candor.

Loran Nordgren
Behavioral Strategist and Candor creator,
Kellogg School of Management
Generate Ideas
Evaluate Ideas

Step-by-step guide
to using Candor

Before the Meeting

1. Invite Your Team

Send your question or problem to the members of your brainstorming team.

2. Generate Ideas Privately

Ask people to generate ideas before the meeting begins or devote the first 5 minutes of the meeting to generating ideas privately.

3. Collect Submissions

Have each individual submit his or her ideas to the session organizer through Candor.

During the Meeting

1. GET all the Ideas on the Table

Use the Candor web app to project all the cards. Have each person briefly describe all the ideas they generated. It’s critical that at this stage people aren’t evaluating ideas, they are simply hearing all the ideas.

2. Discuss all the ideas

Now open up the discussion — eliminate ideas that don’t stand up to scrutiny, modify existing ideas to make them better, cluster ideas into different categorizes, and add new ideas that emerge during the discussion.


Use Candor to vote on the ideas. If a clear winner emerges, you can stop there. If a few ideas have strong support, you can now focus your discussion on the most popular ideas before voting again.