

Welcome to Fussy 💪🌍


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We're Fussy

for you and

the planet.


Thanks for signing up 🙌. We're Fussy... about everything in our mission to bring you fresh-smelling, planet-friendly armpits. Why? Because single-use plastic stinks. And right now human beings are hooked on the stuff.

Hands up, a couple of years ago we were floating adrift in the single-use sea, good intentions proudly carted around in a plastic bag for life. Just like millions of others, we found our green dream in reality just wasn’t… sustainable.

We noticed just how much plastic we throw away from everyday bathroom items like deodorant (3.2 billion plastic deodorants every year to be precise – enough to make anyone sweat). But no matter what we tried, we couldn't find a sustainable deodorant that worked for us. So we decided to create one.

We want to stop 1 million single-use plastic deodorants

Wave goodbye to
single-use plastic

Simply by refilling rather than throwing away, you will save the planet from over 250 single-use plastic deodorants over your lifetime. That might not seem like many but, when you consider the number of people that use deodorant every day, the potential impact we can create together is huge. With your help, we want to stop 1 million single-use plastic deodorants from ever existing. 

We’ll now be bringing you planet, people and armpits like you've never seen before. Always fantastic, sometimes funny, and often a little bit freaky. It’s time to find out what the fuss is all about... 

Team Fussy x