

Welcome to Method in Madness


Method in Madness is a new publication by Dovetail dedicated to the craft of building customer understanding through research.

We get it, everybody loves paying lip service to the concept of customer centricity. It seems to be the buzzword shoehorned into every other meeting (that realistically could have been an email).

Forget the lip service. Method in Madness is a heart, a hub, a center for the folks that live and breathe it every day. The ones who are buried in the craft, constantly looking to discover new ways to understand their customers.

So, this is it. The publication, nay, the holy grail of user research know-how or don’t know-how yet but let’s chat about how. Be provoked to think deeper, to uncover kernels of knowledge, and be ready to say, ’Hell yeah, these people just get it, give them a pulitzer’.