Cotton Bureau


Welcome to the first ever CB Top Pun Tournament!

The field is set for CB's first ever Top Pun Tournament! Four quadrants, 5 rounds, and 32 of the punniest tees our designers could come up with will all come down to one winner on April 5th, and you've got the best seat in the house!

If you follow us on Twitter, we already know you can't resist a good pun. That's why we've giving you a whole tournament full of 'em! All we want in return is your votes. Pick your fave and watch it make a Cinderella run to the championship. Here's how it works:

  • At the beginning of each round, we'll post a Twitter Moment for every matchup
  • The tee with the most votes in its matchup moves on
  • Our Top Pun bracket will update each morning to let everyone know which witty tees survive and advance
It's that simple! Oh, except that once we get to the championship round, orders count as 3 votes each. So if your money is on a particular tee, you might wanna put some, uh, money on your tee.
The road to the finals starts here! Okay actually it already started over on Twitter. Round 1 of the Rickles and Rivers region is underway. So get your votes in. We'll see you again on Twitter Tuesday morning for round 1 of the Youngman and Hedberg regions.

Check out all the entries here, or follow along on Twitter and vote!