

We're here because of you

Dear Reader,

As the cost of printing continues to increase, we become more and more steadfast in our refusal to sacrifice the quality of our journal—making tremendously impractical and fiscally iffy books whose elegance and appeal are unforgettable. We’re able to hold down this fort, to continue breaking and remaking what literature can look like and what forms it can be found in, thanks to our subscribers, who have invested in this experiment with blessed faith for over twenty years.

We celebrated our 21st anniversary in 2019. Can you believe this all began in 1998?

We can only believe it when we look around us and see the horde of noble humans who’ve kept us going these two-plus decades. Our readers, our subscribers, our donors and friends join us in the belief that the written word matters—now more than ever—and that supporting McSweeney’s means supporting our dogged efforts to champion ambitious and inspired new writing, and to challenge conventional expectations about where it’s found, how it looks, and who participates.

Now is the perfect time to become a subscriber to our National Magazine Award-winning Quarterly, to join the illustrious ranks of our donors whose various levels of support range from modest to magnificent, or to buy one of our gorgeous, thought-provoking books. We couldn’t do any of this without you and, frankly, we wouldn’t want to.


Amanda Uhle
Executive Director
McSweeney’s Literary Arts Fund