

What's new in Playdate Catalog • August 30th 2023

Hello!! We hope you're enjoying your Playdate — or if you don't have one yet, we hope you're still excited to get it! Catalog is our Playdate games store that lives inside your Playdate, and here are the newest titles we've added. And if you're going to be at PAX West, stop by our Panic booth and say hello! Look for the giant Playdate! We're in Booth #1917 in the Summit Building.

Ribby hops, then jumps, then hops, then jumps... in Ribbit Rabbit Special. With 50 levels of puzzling fun made entirely in Pulp, this new 'Special' edition has ten new bonus levels and more! arrow icon

(You signed up for our Playdate mailing list either on our website, or when you bought a Playdate. If it helps, we don't send a lot of emails!)