

What’s on your plate?

When it comes to taking a multivitamin,
food should come first. Don’t get us wrong—
it can be tricky to always get enough of all the nutrients we need through diet alone, which is where a multivitamin can come in handy. But ultimately, we want you to prioritize what’s on your plate.
That might mean getting really curious about
the food you eat every day, from its nutritional
value to its environmental impact. Or practicing
a little skepticism towards things like diet trends
and myths. Maybe it’s just mastering a really
good, nutrient-focused recipe while you’re
spending time at home. We’ve got you covered,
for all of the above.
Featured Article
6 Nutrition Myths We’d
Like to Clear Up
Exercise is more important than diet: true or
false? Shopping organic: Actually important or
kind of BS? There’s a lot of misinformation out
there—so let’s get to some facts.
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