Waaay more people wanted to face the bear snake combo instead of team shark + bees. It seems like a lot of the discrepancy stemmed from the fact that people either thought the advantage that the shark would have in the water would be too unfair, or that the fact that the bear had snakes instead of claws would make it less able to put together a focused attack.
Would it change your mind at all of the bear and its snake arms were a hive mind that was a perfectly coordinated fighting machine?
For what it's worth, I think I'd rather face the bear too.
Best Darn Responses
Bear with snakes for arms.
It's easier to get away from a bear on land than a shark in water. And one of the most deadly parts of a bear is their claws, so swapping those out with snakes would make them a tad easier to face!
I would literally rather do anything than actually see a shark close to me haha
Firstly we as humans are land mammals so it surely is a bit of an advantage to be on land than in water. Secondly the fact that the bear has snakes for arms means that it can’t use them for running and with that I have a bigger chance of getting away from it.
Shark that shoots bees from its mouth.
Cause I'd beeee in a BOAT!!! with protective gear on!!! Oh my word, both of those scenarios gave me the heebeegeebeeeees.