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Olivia rated it

This is a quick read despite its length. The language is easy and there's plenty of action.

Unfortunately, I thought the characters are mostly two-dimensional at best, and the plot is sort of repet...more

Radiantflux rated it

26th book for 2019.

This much loved epic, which originally appeared as a series of Japanese newspaper installments in the 1930s, chronicles the rise of one of Japan's greatest samurai and swordsmen,...more

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what is the difference between this book and vagabond's manga?. according to my understanding, they both follow the same story (one is based on the other)... would you recommend read the manga or the book.

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For those who have read Musashi as well as Taiko, which would you recommend reading first?

4 Likes · 3 Answers

I'd recommend Taiko first, as historically the events in Musashi follow those in Taiko. Musashi appears to have been written earlier, but the preceding historical events would have been well-known to its Japanese audience, whereas foreigners might feel lost without the context. Both are stand-alone novels, however, and can be read, understood and enjoyed in any order.

I personally enjoyed Taiko... more

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