

Your free trial of Dovetail finishes soon


Hi Smiles Davis,

Your free trial of Dovetail finishes on Sunday 30 July. Please add your credit card details to continue using Dovetail.

Add credit card

Forgotten what Dovetail is? Here’s a refresher.

What will you use Dovetail for?

Dovetail is perfect for learning about a person’s journey as they experience it, rather than a recollected snapshot with a survey.

For example, a weight loss company might use Dovetail to track the experience of someone losing weight, a social services agency could get the perspective of children during the adoption process, or a bank might follow a customer’s credit card application.


How does it work?

You send email or SMS questions to people on an automatic schedule. They then answer your questions by simply replying to each message directly (no app required). Answers are aggregated in Dovetail, ready for you to analyze and share with your colleagues.

Learn more

Visit our online documentation, read our announcement blog post, or email hello@dovetailapp.comwith any questions or suggestions.