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The Growth Edition

A roundup of ecommerce and marketing in the wellness space.  Our Work   Contact Us

Volume No. 5

March 2020

How COVID-19 is Changing Ecommerce

We're living through uncertain times, but there are ways for ecommerce brands to prepare for what's ahead. Common Thread Collective published an in-depth guide on how COVID-19 is affecting ecommerce clients across industries and platforms, along with 10 hypotheses they're testing to improve performance. Obviously no one has the answers yet, so testing should be a key part of any ecommerce plan in the upcoming months. — by Aaron Orendorff

Going Viral in Gym Clothes

Lucy Connor of Glofox takes on one of the fitness industry's biggest trends: influencers. Connor tracks how Gymshark's growth skyrocketed once it started working with bodybuilding influencers, breaks down the pros and cons of this tactic, and imagines the future of #fitspo. — by Lucy Connor

The Next Big Thing in Beauty? Transparency.

Fashionista reporter Jessica Ourisman breaks down the reasons why full transparency is the name of the game for beauty brands in 2020. With the recent enactment of the Humane Cosmetics Act of California, it's obvious that ethical and cruelty-free beauty isn't just another trend. Consumers are more wary than ever of "green-washing," which puts the onus on beauty brands to avoid any ethical or legal labeling issues. — by Jessica Ourisman

Get the Gist of Gen Z

Digiday just dropped the newest issue of its magazine, all about Gen Z. The magazine is packed with research and insights about the young cohort, like their environmentally-conscious purchasing habits, their shift towards veganism, and their dedication to clothing resale apps like Poshmark and Depop. Learn what you can; just don't pander to them! — by Digiday

Why We Love Fitness Trackers

At Vox, Adam Chandler dives into the booming business of wearable fitness trackers and why almost everyone you know has one. One reason for the tracker's appeal could be because it gives us some semblance of control. As a consumer psychologist hypothesizes, "I think this trend falls more into the category of calming our fears and reinforcing that we’re doing okay and that everything is all right.” — by Adam Chandler

Too Many Cooks in DTC Cookware

It's not all Le Creusets in the kitchen anymore. Over at Modern Retail, Cale Weissman takes a look at the quickly changing landscape when it comes to DTC cookware. He talks to newcomers in the space about how they're all fighting for a very similar piece of the pie. — by Cale Guthrie Weissman

Barrel Marketing

Let’s turn your marketing into a well-oiled machine.

At Barrel, we don’t believe in hacking your way to growth. We believe in having a robust marketing strategy, a holistic view of the customer journey, and consistent execution. It’s the hard work done day-in and day-out that gets our clients real, sustainable results.

Whether it’s through email campaigns, social ads, thought-provoking landing page, an audio experience, or well-research content pieces, we help ideate, execute, and measure, working closely with our clients’ teams to launch, learn, and iterate.

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